Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Still on Island Time

For all of you who were worried-I have not floated away,the island has not gone up in some colossal volcanic eruption and I have not sold out to some bottled water company. I'm still here, muddling through the day to day routine of endlessly dull chores which, when I couldn't do them I wished I could. Now that I can, all I want to do is avoid them(thus I shall begin blogging again). Go figure!

Driving is going surprisingly well. I only occasionally jam on the brakes with my left foot and send loose items ricochetting off the windshield. The potential for flying objects in the cabin keeps the kids on their toes (and under their seats). Helmets would help but where's the fun in that? Actually I'm using all my feet the way they are supposed to be used and I'm thinking of trying the stick shift this week(just when you thought it was safe to go out!).

Thanks to illnesses and migraines(theirs),I've been spending quality time with the children. They are finding out so many new things about their Mom. For instance, YC discovered that I'm secretly mesmerized by belly dancing exercise videos. Maybe you've seen them on FITtv between the Food Network and HGTV. I can't seem to switch channels if one of these programs is on. It could be the music or the outfits
or the unnatural undulation of their bellies. Whatever it is it makes me want to try it(after the knee heals). I cannot tell you how excited this idea made the children. When I told them EC gasped in horror and YC tried to get out of the vehicle while it was moving. So you can see they saw the potential in it. I'm not sure what they think my belly dancing will mean for them. It's not like I'm going to put on some harem pants and a bra with coins and jingle off to do the grocery shopping. Undulating thru the produce aisle is just asking for trouble, what with melons and all. All I need is some old guy asking me if I got my cucumber yet! I did suggest that maybe I could cook a meal or two in my outfit, although bare skin and hot olive oil seems like a bad idea(most of the time). Perhaps they were afraid I might actually belly dance my way across the stage at their high school graduations (my idea)to celebrate the end of free schooling. They should know better, the Husband would never let me celebrate paying for something we used to get free. However, if I charged for my belly dancing appearance hmmm........
I'm not sure taking belly dancing lessons is really in my future but I just love watching the kids faces when I rattle off the multiple ways I could use this skill to mortify them-ah the power! Plus the little finger cymbals would be great for trapping the burgeoning herd of stinkbugs in the house without actually crushing them and stinking the joint up. Such a useful and multipurpose exercise program may be too good to pass up-I'll keep you all posted.


Anonymous said...

Let me know when you start your belly dancing..,,. I will join you!!! To funny!!!
I think yc would have a coronary if he sees you dancing around the house!!

Anonymous said...

Go for it, girl. Flaunt it while you've got it!
How do you get rid of the stink bugs? My neighbors were horrified when they learned I throw them off the balcony--they wanted them dead, and not ending up on their balconies. Mostly they are already dead when I find them, but once I got skunked. Whew--that was awful. Mom

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back! you certainly stimulate my imagination, what with belly dancing, cymbals, etc. I knew all those years of ballet would pay off! Love your free spirit....