Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day !

Thanks to the wonderful illustration on Google I can safely (and on time) wish you a Happy Earth Day. I'm thinking Google could make this function really useful if only it were a tad more personalized. Maybe we could enter all our family occasions into a file and every day a picture completely related to our lives would appear. Imagine, caricatures of relatives doing their favorite things like wiping their hands on their pants when they eat barbequed chicken or mouthing the words "you forgot again slacker"to remind you it's their birthday.It doesn't give you any time to get a card in the mail but hell-thats what free hallmark e-cards are for-use them (Dude- there's my Earth Day tip for a better world),attach a box of chocolates if you feel really guilty! On holidays you could customize the drawings to reflect how your family really experiences them. For Christmas, a picture of the 18 foot tree falling over just after decorating(I still say we could've taken a couple more feet),for Easter a basket with nothing but black jelly beans and a chocolate bunny with it's head eaten off(cause we all know that Easter has nothing to do with Jesus,just like Christmas). Thanksgiving for my family could show a melee of xrays and mri's from seasons past and maybe a little bottle of oxycontin. The changing of the seasons could be more interesting too. Instead of the lovely seashore scene with it's little seashells and umbrella they could put something more frequently seen. How about a fat guy wearing nothing but small shorts(you know the one who always looks naked and never looks like Brad Pitt) riding a John Deere mower and chugging a Miller Lite. I guarantee more people equate this image with the start of summer than ever see a day at the beach(think the Mid West,people!). How about for the start of winter a bunch of people keeled over with their snow shovels sticking out of the last pile they tried to pick up before their heart attack(this could double as a health warning) or for city dwellers art work showing moving the lawn chair(or recliner) from the front porch to the parking space in front of their rowhouse(for Philadelphians only). Fall wouldn't even need a picture just a full volume audio of leaf blowers. Spring could feature a box of tissues and several local allergist phone numbers. You could even mark divorce dates and breakups with great little vignettes of your exes being run over by turf mowers or getting re-relationshiped with a chimpanzee. The possibilities are limited only in your own(or my)twisted mind.
So Happy Earth Day and remember -no trees, paper or pens were harmed in the writing of this blog-only the english lanquage was butchered.
As an aside, do you think Google is going to steal this idea and then hit me up for royalties? Hmmmm...

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