Friday, February 20, 2009

Three Day Testosterone Challenge Part 1

For those of you that don't know-over Valentine's weekend my family went to our house in Central NY. I know -you're thinking, how relaxing , romantic and cozy. And you would've been right except for one thing or rather 6 things we took and 2 we got when we got there.

A week before we left, my beloved signifigant other (who shall be henceforth referred to as MUD) announced to all of EC's friends we were headed to NY and wanted to know who was going. I'm not saying that this was wrong but there were 5 boys sitting there and I hadn't even mentioned it to EC who was out at his ice rink! Also, YC was already taking 1 friend. The car holds 8 if everyone brings only a tooth brush ,deoderant and changes of underwear. Alas it's winter and we were going ski/boarding! After much back and forth we ended up with a car load of 6 boys ages 12-18 , a stuffed rear luggage rack and crap at everyone's feet and on everyone's lap and stuff on the roof ! At least the car battery and BB gun(1) stayed home. Needless to say it was a cozy 5 hour ride up. Actually everyone did quite well although there we're some complains regarding heads blocking the DVD and people leaning on each other. At least no one farted(a huge suprise given the beef jerky and fast food consumption)! MUD even drove the whole way without falling asleep-thanks Red Bull !!!

We arrived not too late at night and the house was still standing and functioning -until we turned on the water. Not like it wasn't expected, but we'd just had a bunch of stuff redone so this wouldn't happen again ! After sopping up the water and telling the boys they had to go out in 12 degree weather, to the (partially frozen) river, chip through the ice and bring back 2 buckets of water so they could flush after pooping (they actually threatened to crap in the neighbors yard to avoid getting buckets of water) we settled in to our beds to await the next days adventure. Some of us didn't need to wait that long!

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