Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Testosterone Challenge Part 4

It's been a while since the last challenge blog. Sorry about the delay. I'm sure you're no longer waiting on the edge of your seat-you have life-but I'll give you a little closure. That way you can get on with the things you've let go, like showering and taking out the trash, maybe feeding the kids. Our trip to Bristol Mountain to ski was, all in all, delightful. Good conditions,delicious burgers cooked and eaten outside and cooperative children. We did hit just a couple snags which can be attributed solely to YC. One awkward moment occured as I attempted to purchase YC's friend a Children's Age pass. YC's friend is 13 (age cut-off is 12)although he is smaller than average and easily passes for much younger. Now one thing I love about YC is his integrity and another his honesty. Which is why when I need to lie to someone I try to have EC distract him. Sometimes this does not work. This was one of those times. Just as I am telling the ticket girl that the friend is 12, YC comes up and loudly states that said friend has just had his 13th birthday and didn't I remember taking him to the party? I may be blonde but that doesn't make me a complete idiot-I knew the lay of the land. I quietly informed YC that I knew and asked him to wait with the big boys. Okay-first I reached over and covered his mouth as fast as I could and shot him dirty look. I know what you're thinking but when it comes to saving money ($15) I'm not all sweetness and light. I was however feeling guilty and defensive. Perhaps I should've realized that trying to shut him up would hurt his feelings ,but I was caught up in the moment which clearly wasn't one of my finest. Anyway, YC continued to plead his case until I had to yell at him (you bet that made me feel a whole lot less guilty) to go away.
In the end the poor girl gave me the ticket for a child(I really don't know how much she heard in her little booth) I apologized to YC, who waited a while to forgive me since that's what I deserved and we hit the slopes.
We all divided up. EC and his friends, YC and friend and the Husband and I. Things went swimmingly for a couple hours. Then at the top of the lift the operator asked me if I was B--- and told me YC was waiting for me at the bottom of the lift. As a parent that is an awful feeling, but at least I wasn't meeting him in Ski Patrol triage! Husband and I skied down and found him. YC promptly informed us he had lost his friend somewhere on the slopes. Husband stayed at the bottom while YC and I rode up scanning the mountain for his friend. During the course of our ride I tried to find out how long ago he had lost his friend. I figured he got to the bottom and noticed he was missing. But NOOOO- he replies " about 5 runs ago" which equals about 45 mins. Of course I was aghast (not really but I like the word) and immediately inquired as to why it took YC so long to let us know. His reply was very honest(now an appreciated trait)" I was having a good run". I laughed, we found the friend and ended the day all good.

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